10 fun facts about electrical engineering

A retired electrical engineer named Bruce Campbell had an old Boeing 727 delivered to the woods near Portland, OR and converted it to his home where he lives full time. Electronics became the important parts on the society because of the recording and broadcasting media. Rowan Atkinson, the actor who portrays Mr. Bean, has a masters in Electrical Engineering. In 1945, a school dropout and self-taught electrical engineer named Percy Spencer was working at Ratheon. When using a conventional lightbulb, only around 10% of the electricity used to power the bulb actually goes on light a huge 90% is wasted through heat. In the 1920s, as a joke, newly hired engineers at General Electric would be told to develop a frosted lightbulb, which the experienced engineers believed to be impossible. Beautiful visual representation of Electrical Engineering numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story. 26. In addition, strong math skills are essential for electrical engineering, as many of the concepts covered in this field rely heavily on mathematical analysis. The negative charges start moving towards the ground, known to scientists as a stepped leader. In the meantime, an upward leader forms on the earth below, pushing positive charges up into the air. Every function and movement within the body is triggered through signals, including your heart. - source, Diesel trains are moved forward using electrical motors, the diesel engine is only used as a source to create electricity through a generator - source. By the next century, it is thought that electric cars accounted for up to one-third of all vehicles on the roads! 2. In 1945, a school dropout and self-taught electrical engineer named Percy Spencer was working at Ratheon. Interesting facts about Electricity 1. A telegraph was an electric machine that enabled text communications over a long-distance. A single spark of static electricity may measure up to 30,000 volts while a lightning bolt can measure 3,000,000 (3 million) volts. In 1966, General Motors developed a concept van powered by a 115-horsepower electric engine. Albertville, Frances electricity is powered by Beaufort cheese. The first known illegal act on the internet was committed in 1973 by one of the first ARPANET engineers. Cars have thermistors rather than thermometers. The electrical engineering curriculum can vary from school to school, but most electrical engineering courses will cover basic topics like circuits, electromagnetism, and electronics. The answer is the speed of light! Contact us for more information on electrical testing in Milton Keynes. He noticed a chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. In 1966, General Motors developed a concept van powered by a 115-horsepower electric engine. It was denied production because of safety concerns. George de Mestral, Swiss electrical engineer, was inspired by stiff hooks of cocklebur when he created Velcro, commercial type of hook and loop fastener. He was said to have played a crucial role as an engineer in the pyramid of Djoser's development. It was denied production because of safety concerns. The answer is the speed of light! The villagers had only ever used oil lamps before. we know Kirchoff's law but we don't know how to apply it in real life. 3. MSI made a chipset cooling fan based on Stirling engine. With ever-changing weather conditions, water and ice are forced up into the atmosphere by warm air currents and then forced back down by gravity. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. hydrovinci. It becomes easier and faster to perform such kind of job. Their consumption is about 23% more than the U.S. 8. While electronic engineering deals with building and testing electronic circuits (that employ components like capacitors, resistors, diodes, inductors, and transistors), microelectronic engineering involves designing the components of integrated circuits or other very small electronic circuits. Henry Ford once refused to pay $10,000 to General Electric for fixing a generator problem and asked for an itemized bill. in the same field in 1929. Serman Poppen created a winter toy for his daughter, by bolting two snow skis together and attaching a rope to the front. Their primary task is to lead a team of competent engineers and supervise new projects. We have covered information about some prominent scientists and inventors associated with electricity. In 1905 he earned a degree in electrical engineering. Engineering facts for kids. Electricity travels at the speed of light, about 300,000 kilometres per second. A thermistor calculates the resistance of electricity as it passes through a sensor. In the 1880s, there was a war of currents between Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. Many work a normal 40-hour week. Students who graduate with an electrical engineering majors will have job opportunities in wide-ranging fields, from telecommunications to the computer industry to the automotive industry. What skills do electrical engineers need? So, how does electricity travel so quickly? There is always something new to learn from the incredible speed of electricity to the bodys own electrical system; there are millions of facts that were yet to uncover. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. Later that year, he filed a patent for the first microwave oven. Later that year, he filed a patent for the first microwave oven. 2. This transforms the whey into biogas. Beautiful visual representation of Electrical Engineer numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story. What is important here is that most of these writings will be read by people with little or no technical expertise; so, being lucid and comprehensive with words has always played an essential role in this profession, while being able to explain systems to people with a range of understanding. In the first half of the 19th century, the people began to notice on this discipline because of the commercial uses for the electric power, telephones and electric telegraph. Despite the name, electric eels are actually a type of fish, but this doesnt change the fact that they can be incredibly dangerous. 9. Instrumentation engineering requires a profound understanding of physics, often beyond electromagnetic theory. 3. While the job of system engineers consists of installing and maintaining systems, test engineers make sure that devices are working properly and troubleshoot when required. It is the largest nuclear generating station in the world by net electrical power rating. No two projects are usually completely the same. The person who is called the father of electrical engineering is called Michael Faraday. In 2016, two engineers brought electricity to a 800-year-old remote Himalayan village in less than 2 days using solar panels. The flow is technically known as an electric current, which will only begin its journey when you turn on your device. The amount of resistance is determined by temperature. If you purchase using the buy now button we may earn a small commission. Since whey is unnecessary to make Beaufort cheese, bacteria is added to the whey. Engineers from different fields need to work together to make wind turbines at sea. One of the most sophisticated items of technology, rigged up inside Winston Churchills war room bunker by Royal Engineers, was a button that could be pushed to turn on an electric cigarette lighter. Telegraphs work by sending an electric pulse, which can vary in length, which is translated into text. Henry Ford once balked at paying $10,000 to General Electric for work done troubleshooting a generator, and asked for an itemized bill. In addition to these core concepts, electrical engineering students will also learn about more advanced subjects like digital systems, control systems, and signal processing. Lightning is caused by the discharge of electricity in the atmosphere. Electric eels can produce up to a 600-volt shock. Electrical engineering is an engineering field focused on electricity and electronics, from microscopic computer components to large power networks. There are no set rules regarding the time period for checking as it differs based on the industry that youre in. The generator then sends electrical power to a traction motor at each axle, which powers the wheels. There are many reports that state different dates regarding the discovery of electricity. Learn how a wind turbine works. When the electricity stops flowing through the wire coils, it loses . Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. The robotics industry. Having spent many years as electricians in Milton Keynes, we spend our days surrounded by this bundle of built-up energy. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what electrical engineering is all about. Engineering is one of the most rewarding and fun professions in the world. 6. Electricity was first discovered in 600BC. They have to use the complicated manufacturing software or even a top-notch analyzer. MIT has a thing for data. Models were finally easy to drive and no longer gave off a pungent smell of pollutants. Functionality of solar panels on a space telescope. Lightning is caused by the discharge of electricity in the atmosphere, 3. Additionally, civil engineers have designed the slide to withstand the weight of people, the water, and even the force of the wind blowing on it. A civil engineer made water slides work. A spark of static electricity can measure up to 3,000 volts. 1. Podcasts you must follow being an electrical engineer. Facts about Electrical Engineering elaborate the details about the professional engineering focused on the application of three primary subjects. One of the most sophisticated items of technology, rigged up inside Winston Churchills war room bunker by Royal Engineers, was a button that could be pushed to turn on an electric cigarette lighter. Lastly, computer engineering involves the act of designing computers and computer systems. 10. The experienced engineers believed this to be impossible. To ensure that he keeps challenging his creativity and honing his skills, Prasenjit completed the Introduction to Creative Writing Course from British Council. If you are interested to become a project manager, he or she should be able to deal with management skills and basic circuit theory. Electronic devices perform three main functions: (1) amplification, (2) switching, and (3) oscillation, all as part of circuits. Wed love to help! Electric cars actually date back as far as 1832 Electric eels can produce up to a 600-volt shock 54% of all electricity is wasted It's the water in the body that causes an electric shock Electricity plays a role in your heartbeat LED lightbulbs use 80% less electricity Some electrics should be tested every 12-24 months 1. He noticed a chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. Aerospace engineers must have a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering or another field of engineering or science related to aerospace systems. These cells are responsible for sending the signals to tell your heart to beat. Fun Facts Did you know. A gasoline engine vehicle has 2,000+ moving parts compared to 18 moving parts in an electric vehicle. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. In this article, we will discuss the coursework involved in electrical engineering, the skills you need to succeed in this field, and other interesting trivia about electrical engineering. Now, modern wind turbines use the wind to create electricity. 1. While electrical engineers could have either scope of work (and some work on both), they both require slightly different skills. 5. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. 2. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. Electric eels can produce up to a 600-volt shock. Facts about Electrical Engineering 1: the invention of transistor The cost of electronics is decreasing from time to time after transistor was invented. To perform these tasks competently the engineers must keep track of different technical characteristics and multiple design elements thoroughly. The engineer who performed the work, Charles Steinmetz, sent this: "Making chalk mark on generator, $1. What are some reasons people love engineering as a career? Later that year, he filed a patent for the first microwave oven. 19 Telegraph Facts for Kids. Read Also: 10 Facts about Electric Motors. Required fields are marked *. You can easily fact check why electrical engineering is a good career by examining the linked well-known sources. There are two main sectors of electrical engineering that you can get into in robotics. A career in engineering gives you the opportunity to solve problems and design things that really matter, things that make the world a better place in which to live. First is embedded circuits, controllers, and PCB design. Its first known use was in an experimental water delivery line in the Boston area. At that time, personal use of the internet was unlawful. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. According to the National Safety Council, 600 people die every year due to electrical incidents. Before electricity was a way of life, ancient Egyptians were aware that lightning and shocks from electric fish were very powerful. The program also trains students to effectively develop and test real-life applications of electrical circuitry, digital systems, electrical . The primary responsibility of application engineers is to use the available resources to make the existing technology and equipment sufficient in fulfilling the employers' needs. - source, Diesel trains are moved forward using electrical motors, the diesel engine is only used as a source to create electricity through a generator - source. One of those children is Doctor Electron Kebebew who is a leading cancer researcher and top earning civil-servant in the US. Having worked as electricians in Milton Keynes for several years, you would be surprised how many emergency calls we receive from customers who have given themselves an electric shock. It is included as one of, One of the famous inventors in the world is explained on Facts about Christopher Sholes. Which engineering job has the highest salary? And most importantly they tell us the engine temp and outside temp. The first discipline, control engineering, is all about contriving a diverse range of dynamic systems that basically work as controllers and regulate the functions of various electronic devices. Students completing their engineering studies can join various industries including automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, engineering services, the federal government, telecommunication, utilities and construction, and research and development. If youre a business or commercial premises owner, you need to ensure that electrical devices are regularly PAT tested to guarantee their safety. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Nuclear power plants produced 778 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2021. Please check our Privacy Policy. He was born on, Facts about Douglas Engelbart present the information about the American inventor and engineer. Based on a recent report byThe Association for Decentralised Energy, a vast 54% of energy is wasted every single year in the UK, which amounts to a shocking 9.5 billion. Find out more handy tips on Uswitch! 04 The nucleus contains differently-charged particles: the proton (+), neutron (no charge) and electron (-). High-powered electricity is always on the lookout for the path which offers the least resistance and if we come into contact with it, this means that it goes straight to the water flowing through the body, resulting in an electric shock. Some of them are made of wire coils. In this profession, electrical engineers mostly work as a group, whether they are inventing a new technology or trying to improve an existing one. Knowing where to make mark, $9,999." Ever wondered how fast does electricity travel? However, whenever you use an electrical device, it will be equipped with a wire, which is what enables the electrons to travel from your power supply to your device. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Aerospace engineers who work on projects that are related to national defense may need a security clearance. Thus, it is necessary that an electrical engineer is good at maths and has relevant qualifications. Electric cars actually date back as far as 1832. Powered by a rechargeable lead acid battery, they were mainly sold to female drivers as they did not require the physical hand-cranking of the early internal combustion engines. this engine converts electric power into thrust with no need for propellant. People who do engineering are called engineers. While this fact may seem a little peculiar, it was too interesting not to include in our article! Mason & Associates is dedicated to being Idaho's premier civil engineering firm. As an adult he managed the family brewery and in 1840 he became interested in replacing the brewery's steam engines with ones driven by electric motors. They're accurate, rugged, and cheap. The snowboard was invented by an engineer. Their father, Adamo Levi, was an electrical engineer and mathematician. Henry Ford once balked at paying $10,000 to General Electric for work done troubleshooting a generator, and asked for an itemized bill. Michael Faraday discovered the basic principles of electricity; the speed of electricity is equivalent to the speed of light; a lightning bolt contains 3,000,000 volts of electricity; an average taser can release up to 50,000 volts; the first power plant was built by Thomas Edison. Direct the manufacturing, installation and testing of electrical equipment. Each time that your heart is given the go-ahead to beat, blood is pumped around the body. Here are five exciting engineering fields of study, which will lead to excellent careers you won't want to miss. More than 60 years after its first invention, the electric vehicle started to grow in popularity. On November 1886 he opened the "Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering" in Stuttgart, Germany. He stepped in front of a magnetron, a device that powers radars. Electricity was first discovered in 600BC. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. They are often referred to as e-waste or electronic waste, these are used electronics that are discarded, refurbished, or recycled because they're outdated or damaged. The major duties of electrical engineers, which are designing, analyzing, and troubleshooting equipment, require the principles of advanced mathematics including calculus. Betty White's father was an electrical engineer and her mother was a homemaker. Ever wondered how fast does electricity travel? When Your HOA Affects Your HVAC Requirements, What SEER2 Means for AC and Heat Pump Efficiency. Ever wondered how fast does electricity travel? This transforms the whey into biogas. Because of wood shortages in the 1600s, Brewers in England started drying their Malts with heat generated by coal. Iceland is the country that uses the most electricity annually. If you love science and have a passion for technology, then it might not seem that tough to you. 28,213 pounds of salt. 01 Electricity is energy produced from charged particles. ImhotepThe first engineer known by name and achievement is Imhotep, builder of the Step Pyramid at aqqrah, Egypt, probably about 2550 bce. LED lightbulbs use 80% less electricity, only around 10% of the electricity used to power the bulb actually goes on light a huge 90% is wasted through heat, 10. Whether it's a popping noise from an outlet, a light switch that runs extremely hot, or a breaker that won't reset, it's important that you take every issue seriously. When hes not working, you might find him writing poetry or engaging in other creative pursuits. Electricity is a primary driver of today's activities, and the global economy would collapse without it. in electrical engineering in 1928 and his M.S. Computer engineering involves the design of computer systems (hardware and software) and related devices. From unplugging gadgets when they are no longer in use to washing clothes at a lower temperature, you can start making savings in no time. On September 14, 2012 his experimental work in millimeter-band radio was given the IEEE Milestone Electrical and Computer Engineering honor. Electricity is present in our bodies our nerve cells use it to pass signals to our muscles. Interesting Electricity Facts: 26-30. Electrical engineers are engineers who develop (think and make) different things that use electricity in a helpful way. Power engineering, the second discipline, mainly works with the transmission, generation, and distribution of electricity. In 1981 Steve Wozniak returned to the University of California, Berkeley, under the alias Rocky Clark, to finally complete his electrical engineering degree after his success at Apple. He noticed a chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. 10 fun facts about mechanical engineering The word Engineering has been deduced from a Latin word which means' cleverness'. Sports Fans Say "Ay"! by Thales of Miletus, a Greek philosopher. Lightning is, in fact, caused by one huge electric current. In this modern age, you shouldnt overlook the use of a. 11. They were particularly sought-after amongst women, who wanted a stylish vehicle to travel around the city. 750 pounds of zinc. The British electric plug standard is engineered to be safer than the US plug standard. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. Big subjects in electrical engineering include power generation, automation and control of robots, digital systems, and information technology (using radio and computers to move and use data). The worlds biggest light bulb is located in Edison, New Jersey. Electrical engineering is one of the most popular and growing professions in the United States. Electric eels can produce up to a 600-volt shock, 7. However, they may have to visit sites to observe a problem or a piece of complex equipment. Develop manufacturing, construction and installation standards. Electric eels can produce up to a 600-volt shock. First Engineer in India. The government of Bombay recruited Sir M Visvesvaraya as Assitant Engineer in the department of public works. The people who have a degree in electronic engineering or electrical engineering are called an electrician engineers. This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Electrical Engineer. In return, the muscles begin to tighten, and the lungs become narrower, causing an instant and dangerous reaction. They should also have a good grasp of language and words and should always be ready to learn new things and apply them to their projects. Engineers might draw their designs using a computer. 13. We just love it. Engineers also play an important role in the amusement park industry. 1. The first one is that of a design engineer. The major duties of electrical engineers, which are designing, analyzing, and troubleshooting equipment, require the principles of advanced mathematics including calculus. All of the stuff around us are made by mechanical engineers. We deal with capacitors,inductors and resistors all day but in real we don't know to identify some values of resistors usi. The engineer who performed the work, Charles Steinmetz, sent this: "Making chalk mark on generator, $1. Today's wind turbines are much more complicated machines than the traditional prairie windmill. This subdiscipline involves contriving the instruments that measure temperature and pressure. For more information on the history behind the electric car, take a look at Energy.Gov for a detailed timeline. Electric cars are so quiet, they're required by law to produce artificial noise that mimics conventional engines to avoid pedestrians from getting hurt. Buy now and spread the cost. The Greeks concluded that by rubbing fur against amber made from fossilised tree resin, they could create their own form of static electricity. IEEE at a Glance. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. In 1925, newly hired Marvin Pipkin got the assignment not realizing it was a joke and succeeded. National average salary: $51,275 per year. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. In 1880 he was awarded the Albert Medal of the Royal Society of Arts for "having established, after most laborious research, the true relation between heat, electricity and mechanical work thus affording to the engineer a sure guide in the application of science to industrial pursuits.". In 2016, two engineers brought electricity to a 800-year-old remote Himalayan village in less than 2 days using solar panels. Color blindness can lead to severe and in some cases even fatal mistakes in the work with . Pay The median annual wage for aerospace engineers was $122,270 in May 2021. While investigating facts about Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like: In the 1920's newly hired engineers at General Electric would be told, as a joke, to develop a frosted lightbulb. Electrical engineers fix or design new and better ways of using devices that use electricity. What is the highest paying electrical engineer jobs? The information technology (IT) industry. 3. However, according to Universe Today, electricity dates back as far as 600BC with the Ancient Greeks. In 1925, newly hired Marvin Pipkin got the assignment, and astonished his peers by succeeding. Here are some of the top job options that involve electrical engineering: Electricity is an essential part of modern life and important to the U.S. economy. If youre ready for a quote, head straight to our online quoting tool. The experienced engineers believed this to be impossible. 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