active listening role play scenarios

At the human level, our social resources play a massive part in our happiness and well-being in the workplace. What activity causes you to feel like you are living life to the fullest? In EURAM Conference, Munich, Germany. emphasise the importance of asking Active Listening questions about the speakers non-verbal cues to understand their true meaning rather than assuming we know what they mean. Was your understanding of the description you received the same as your partners understanding of the description they relayed? Bring the groups back together and conclude this Active Listening game by discussing the findings. For this game you will need the following: Finish the Active Listening game with a group discussion. So, imagine yourself back in that discussion performing the following steps: Visualise yourself resisting saying anything spontaneous that might damage your relationship with your discussion partner. Whitney & Cooperrider, 2011); Tell them about your first job, or your very first working experience; If youve got a budget, give team members a small amount of money each to do something good with. Foster Self-awareness. Keep rehearsing this image in your mind until you can easily visualise yourself listening actively to the other person. Listening will become your default approach. Taking the item, Ellen turns to her right and repeats the same with Pedro: Pedro, this is a tattered elephant with pink ears. Pedro asks, A What?, Before she passes the item to Pedro, however, Ellens answer to his question must come back to the facilitator, who says it aloud. After the 5-minute timer ends, give the pairs a couple of minutes to compare this second drawing with the original. This Active Listening activity is modified from an extremely effective and useful Active Listening technique shared by Nick Read of Training For Change during a corporate management short course, "Managing People Enhancing Your Interpersonal Communications", via The University of Auckland, August 2006, We gather insights from working with cutting edge startups and corporations in Silicon Valley and apply it for all our clients. Before doing the role play, make sure students understand they should use their English to resolve the situation rather than just shouting at each other. Possible imagined response: explore the situation. The goal is to collaborate and help each other, not to compete. Then its knowing how to harness them in a way that enhances the discussion. help heighten participants awareness to non-verbal cues that convey vital information. Benefits: In an objective sense, we need to extract information so we can channel our efforts accordingly. While the asker can pose questions, the mime can only act out their answers. Perception of emotions is a key component of Mayer and Saloveys emotional intelligence framework and covers the ability to read others non-verbal cues as well as their potential moods (Salovey & Mayer, 1990). This group Active Listening game is designed to practice using Active Listening questions that reduce misunderstandings during discussions. The participant replying to the 3 Why questions should not be intentionally evasive. An 'In Brief' summary of the Active Listening games. How did you feel during the game? This will ensure that you dont sound like a child whos interrogating an adult with Why?! Follow-up question: What benefits did you get from it? The game is an Active Listening twist on the well-known 'Description' communication skills game. Any message a person tries to get across usually has two components: the content of the message and the feeling or attitude underlying this content. [2] That is, it's not what they say. And they are encouraged to continue. Armed with their handouts, talkers begin to engage with the topic. or, "What's the progress since our last catch-up?". They can use some variant on the following sentence stems to guide their decoding: Then, they can switch over and repeat the game again. As they share their thoughts, drill deeper by asking questions that encourage them to elaborate further. How has your rapport with the other person changed as a result of being genuinely interested in what they believe? Each pair will take turn-about. Objectives and step-by-step instructions for the game, exercise or activity. Listen to Remember and Listen for Underlying Meanings III. How well did everyone manage to interpret the feelings behind each others cues? Dont make the pictures too detailed. Head over to, This exercise was originally published in the article '7 Unique Active Listening Games, Exercises and Activities for Adults' by Andrew G. Ward, at. With nobody in particular starting first, they are asked to count from one to ten as a group, but each member can only say one number. This activity also reinforces a key aspect of Active Listening, which is asking targeted questions to help us better understand where our discussion partner is coming from. Put even more simply, we make work a nicer place to be while avoiding unnecessary conflict. Once people get the gist of how to play with one item, the facilitator adds in the second by passing it to the left. . We live in an information-driven society, where communication determines how fast we learn. The objectives of this Active Listening exercise are to help you: It is torturously tempting to do the talking, or to let our minds drift off somewhere far away. 2023 Andrew Ward of The GLS Project -Designed by Thrive Themes In a distraction-free place you will reflect on some of the strong emotions that you have experienced during a couple of past discussions. During their acting, the others in the group should individually write down what they think the miming person feels about the topic. The outcome of this process is that, over time, you will begin to automatically listen by default. Sometimes mentioned along with reflective questioning, it involves, restating a paraphrased version of the speakers message, asking questions when appropriate, and maintaining moderate to high nonverbal conversational involvement (Weger Jr et al., 2014: 13). What do you do? Any number of co-workers can participate in this very simple mime game. paraphrase their message). Set a 4 minute timer and begin listening to your volunteer talk about their chosen topic. What did you feel when you were observing from the outer circle, listening but not contributing? Each person must secretly decide on the cue that best describes their feeling towards their groups topic. In other workplaces, team situations call for claritya shared goal is the ideal, but very often we come at situations with at least a few different beliefs. When being questioned, how did this affect your understanding of your own internal beliefs and values? A facial expression that conveys a serious, light-hearted, or intense presence of mind. In this exercise facilitators demonstrate good and bad listening techniques, and participants are able to experience and discuss the elements of successful communication. Facilitator asks group what they could have done to listen well. Swap roles. Clarify Understanding IV. Breaking into pairs, group participants take turns asking Active Listening questions about a simple drawing that they cannot see in order to draw it as accurately as possible. Introduce concentric circle exercise. Woolley, A. W., Chabris, C. F., Pentland, A., Hashmi, N., & Malone, T. W. (2010). The world will be a better place once weve mastered them. It will take no more than 25 minutes.. Benefits: As discussed, information delivery is crucial, but our focus here is opening up discussions. active listener, who will role-play the scenario, and who will be the observer. Would that be okay?. Who had the biggest impact on the person you have become? Who is your longest friend? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This exercise is done with another person. But they must not say how they feel. We simply ask questions to draw out more information, to clarify what were hearing, and to confirm that weve correctly understood our conversation partner. Retrieved from And then listen. Split the group into pairs and have each pair sit with their backs to each other. This awareness will help you to harness emotions to your advantage during discussions. Find a place free of distractions and sit down with a notepad and pen. This game is fun for all ages. Follow-up question: What could you have done to overcome any differences in understanding? Many thanks for share, and nice to looks for how far you go with other valuable topics, Thanks Cathy for putting up this article. Four activities are original. This exercise is about listening, clarity and developing potential strategies when we communicate. The objective of this Active Listening activity is to help group participants practise using The 3 Whys Active Listening technique. What has worked in the past for your team? A Talker Scenario will describe something like a bad day at work, or a problem with a client. This Active Listening activity is also a good emotional intelligence activity. Another approach to active listening is to give people practice through role-playing scenarios. Once everyone has finished writing, the acting person can then disclose their cue to the group and take 30 seconds to explain why it reflects how they feel about the groups topic. Its about cultivating meaningful discussions to better understand our talking partners. How did you increase your understanding of your partners picture? Brief discussion on what was different and the aims of active listening. Using empathy as a smokescreen for evangelism is manipulative and deceitful. That is, the Blindfold Rope Square exercise challenges us to look at how we communicate verbally, then think about ways to develop our effectiveness. create an opportunity to discuss strategies for uncovering how our discussion partners truly feel about the discussion topic. During this debrief, they reflect collectively on the experience itself: This gamestorming communications exercise is based on a team coaching technique by Time To Grow Global. How did they cope? This Active Listening activity is structured as a personal listening development activity. Two circles of chairs are set up, one inside the other. It works with any sized team and requires only a facilitator and some novel objects that can be passed between participants. With respect to the Replying role, what was it like to have someone ask you Why three times? To practice active listening and assertive communication. Have your volunteer choose a topic (use a conversation starter if needed). When we give attention to our relationships as well as the task(s) at hand, we create trust and collaborate more effectively. zThe exercise will only run for about five minutes. Here are four training activities, suggested by Caroline Cooper, that will help you to develop active listening in your contact centre. How much does language affect our thinking? Benefits: We dont need to look too far to find sources of workplace stress that might be impacting our colleagues. Cooperation and collaboration underpin how we work together, and done brilliantly, can determine our competitive advantage. We hate it with a passion!View our Privacy Policy & Terms of Use. Inspired by the kids game Telephone, this exercise draws on different elements of effective communication between team members, while highlighting where things often go wrong. . Conversation starts at the surface level. Communication is a whole lot more than just talkingalthough, that is a fundamental part of relationship-building and knowledge-transfer. Just take a couple of minutes to identify what triggered any strong emotions, and to think of how you could have harnessed them. Thats provocative. Why? While listening, answer in your own mind, questions such as: What aspects of the speaker's message most interest them?, What is the main theme(s) of their message?, What are the key takeaways from the speakers message?. It is not a method for creating opportunities to talk about themselves. As well as identifying key communication deficits and their root causes, these included several that relate to our knowledge of positive psychology and communication. Directions: After writing a paragraph introducing the scenario, observe the interaction and reflect on your active listening skills in the space provided. Doctors also described effective communication as being able to summarize what the patient/other had related to correct information and display understanding. Each group will receive one topic. Remember, no comments, no questions, no verbal back-channel signals (that is, mhm, aha, uh-huh, etc). [2]. Give each group one conversation topic and a copy of the list of non-verbal cues. Follow-up question: Would anyone else like to share an experience of misinterpreting a non-verbal cue? So, enjoy! 1. Such connections build on [], Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Registration Number: 64733564, 6229 HN Maastricht, 2023 B.V. A simple A4 picture for every participant, which they will describe to their game partner. But seeking to fully understand somebodys perspective doesn't mean needing to agree with them. Just listen in silence and try to understand the speaker. Tell them their shared aim is to collaborate: first to find the rope, then to lay it out into a perfect square together on the floor. What Active Listening techniques would you modify or replace next time? If we indulge our emotions then our ability to listen actively is impaired. If youre a cross-functional team, why not try out an activity that challenges assumptions? Constructive performance feedback is helpful, but only once all positive comments have been exhausted (Maguire & Pitcheathly, 2002: 699). Give each person at least 4 minutes to speak and to listen. This activity is a slight twist on Chinese Whispers in that it uses a complex set of instructions rather than just a sentence. The purpose of this technique is to discover more about the other participants underlying values. Make the Speaker Feel Heard. Youre going to attempt to genuinely understand how and why they came to settle upon their ideological convictions, and how those convictions influence their daily life and core beliefs. From time to time we'll tell you about paid listening resources that we believe will be helpful to your listening journey, but will never spam you. Nikolova, N., Clegg, S., Fox, S., Bjrkeng, K., & Pitsis, T. (2013). Write up suggestions on white board as active listening skills. If you opened a business, what kind of business would it be? Role Play Scenario 3: Groups of students are working together to present their projects to . So, plush toys, tennis balls, or similarbut the more imaginative they are, the better. Theyre not simply warm-up activities! This is cognitive empathy, which is the goal of Active Listening. Role-playing is a classic method for teaching communication skills. Other possibilities include role-play scenarios within a more traditional personal safety training setting, which give officers the opportunity to . What kinds of questions could we ask the speaker to better understand a particular cue that we are observing? So, a 6-person group will make a 6-frame strip, and so forth. Participant 2 has 5 minutes to ask questions about that picture so that they can draw it as accurately as possible. What draws you to that idea? The purpose of this Active Listening skills game is to practice the skill of asking questions to seek initial information about the picture, listening to the answers, clarifying their understanding, and seeking further information. Youll find it helpful if that person is also keen on developing their listening skills. In order to tailor a specific sales approach to a prospective client, active listening not just hearing is key. This is called Active Listening. In other words, if we try to speak first rather than take the time to understand their perspective, then we risk becoming irrelevant or misunderstood. Youll need a list of topics for people to act out, then invite players to break off into groups of two. In what ways can facial expressions influence our ability to deal with misunderstandings? Each player writes down a feeling on a small piece of paper, folds it, then passes it to the volunteer facilitator. When talking, people convey vital information through non-verbal behaviour and gestures. Otherwise, the idea is identicalinformation gets misinterpreted thanks to noise, but we can improve our verbal communication and listening skills to minimize this risk. This is similar in some ways to the Back-to-Back Drawing exercise above. Haertel, C., McWilliams, J., & Ma, R. (2005). When a person expresses a view that seems unusual to you, ask Why? three times tactfully and genuinely. Remember that you're not obliged to agree with them. And at the same time, helping your co-worker practice active listening? Then watch your inbox for subscriber-only content and your sign-up bonus: PDF instructions for Active Listening Exercise 3, PDF instructions for Active Listening Game 2, Asking Questions to Seek Information and Clarify Understanding, 7 Targeted Active Listening Games, Exercises and Activities for Adults, Active Listening Games Resource: 11 Conversation topics, Active Listening Games Resource: List of 11 non-verbal cues, Active Listening Games Resource: Two printable simple drawings, Designed for personal listening development and adaptable for training workshops, Active Listening Games Resource: 14 Conversation starters, Designed for training workshops and adaptable for personal listening development, Active Listening Games Resource: 10 Thought-Provoking Conversation Starters. Debrief with a chat about the communication that went on. What would you talk about? Prior to passing on the toy, ball, or what have you, players ask something about the object and answer a question about it. These science-based tools will help you and those you work with build better social skills and better connect with others. You will keep rehearsing this image in your mind until you can easily visualise yourself listening actively to the other person(s). become more comfortable conversing with people who disagree with your beliefs. Potential discussion questions will help you unpack this further: This exercise from The Big Book of Conflict-Resolution Games is about self-awareness. Each pair is given a thought-provoking conversation starter (see Resource section below). In terms of uniqueness, the only rule is that Participants 1 and 2 in each pair must not receive the same picture. The objective of this Active Listening activity is to increase your emotional intelligence by heightening your awareness of emotions that emerge during discussions. Imagine that time freezes for everyone but you for one day. Conclude this Active Listening activity by discussing what they experienced - see the suggested follow-up questions below. Give Participant 1 a simple picture. Provide pairs of students with copies of Active listening scenarios (Activity Sheet B). If youre focused on innovation, try a creative communication exercise like Mime. Listen With Empathy, Non-Verbal Cues Help Avoid Misunderstandings. We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Developing Cognitive Empathy with Your Discussion Partner. Why?!. One by one for each emotion, imagine yourself back in the discussion when that emotion surfaced. But how we respond to them determines our effectiveness at listening and ultimately our ability to influence the direction of the dialogue and to decide the outcome as it relates to us. It is simply amazing. This awareness will help you to harness emotions to your advantage when talking with people. Bakker, A. In a larger group of participants, this can be done multiple times as players pair up with different conversation partners. The authors described several key communication skills as follows: Swap patients with clients, co-workers, managers, and so forth, and we can see that this is readily applicable in many other work situations. Have paper and pens available for the participants. As you work through this exercise record your thoughts on the notepad. Tell us if any of these are particularly useful, and let us know if youve got tweaks for this current set of activities. Finally, everybody removes their blindfolds, and its time for feedback. And in each pair, of course, team members will take turns being listener and talker. When it comes to tasks and expectations, it goes without saying that clarity helps us avoid lots of unwanted things. Popcorn Storytelling. In D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, & G. Lindzey (Eds.). This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. . Im Listening can be played with an even number of participants, as they will need to find a partner for this one-on-one game. Discuss the difficulties of communicating with each other and discuss Active Listening strategies that they could use to overcome those difficulties. Unless its either terrible or completely absent. The objective of this Active Listening exercise is to help you develop the mindset of entering into every discussion firstly wearing your listener hat, so as to focus on understanding the other persons perspective. Weger Jr, H., Castle Bell, G., Minei, E. M., & Robinson, M. C. (2014). In what ways did players support each other? But active listening encourages pleasant social interactions, which in turn, these boost our well-being and life satisfaction (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). In the book mentioned below, there are also hand-outs, but you can prepare your own for this activity. The only rule is that Participant 2 must not see the picture (or a photo of the picture). Have the group sit in a circle. Active listening is a system of opening and maintaining communications through the use of empathy, listening and body language. Describe some contexts where facial expressions play a particularly important role in communication? Active Listeners provide verbal and nonverbal feedback to show their sincere investment in what the speaker is sharing. It doesnt take very long, either, and can be played in as little as ten to twenty minutesperfect for breaking up the day. Allow 10 minutes for participants to do the following within their groups. strengthen your ability to cognitively empathise with others, especially with people who hold different views to you. Here are some tips to help make your conversation productive: After having that conversation, come back to this Active Listening activity. How did you cope with the distraction? Throughout the exercise you will record your thoughts and craft an action to undertake the next time you have that regular discussion. Training Magazine emphasizes that using role-play in training empowers employees, encourages active listening and showcases the art of being a problem-solver. Practice Makes Perfect V. Uncovering Assumptions Role-play is particularly helpful for developing the skills needed (Nelson-Jones, 2014). Walk me around that island. Discuss how the speaker felt to have your full attention. Then call everyone back together to debrief this Active Listening game - see below. I too would like to be able to utilize them as a resource for my workshop. What might have contributed to this confusion? I might be able to add them to the article. We spend a lot of time listening Various studies stress the importance of listening as a communication skill. Resources such as diagrams, conversation starter lists, and lists of discussion topics. Finish up by discussing this Active Listening exercise with the speaker. Here are two activities that will help your team work together creatively to solve a problem, as well as one about the role of silence. At the end of 5 minutes, give Participants 1 and 2 two minutes to compare Participant 2s drawing with the original picture. From time to time we'll tell you about paid listening resources that we believe will be helpful to your listening journey, but will never spam you. Skills needed ( Nelson-Jones, 2014 ) find it helpful if that person is also good. Remember that you dont sound like a bad day at work, or similarbut the more imaginative they,. Person is also a good emotional intelligence activity to give people practice through role-playing.. Of workplace stress that might be impacting our colleagues heighten participants awareness to non-verbal cues that vital! The exercise you will begin to engage with the speaker debrief this listening... 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