summa theologica question 76

If, therefore, man were 'living' by one form, the vegetative soul, and 'animal' by another form, the sensitive soul, and "man" by another form, the intellectual soul, it would follow that man is not absolutely one. The Perfection of God 5. Objection 2. Whence it follows that elements in the mixed body would be distinct as to situation. Is the body of Christ in this sacrament locally? But since "Christ rising from the dead dieth now no more" (Romans 6:9), His soul is always really united with His body. I answer that, As was observed above (Article 1, Reply to Objection 3), because the substance of Christ's body is in this sacrament by the power of the sacrament, while dimensive quantity is there by reason of real concomitance, consequently Christ's body is in this sacrament substantively, that is, in the way in which substance is under dimensions, but not after the manner of dimensions, which means, not in the way in which the dimensive quantity of a body is under the dimensive quantity of place. Reply to Objection 1. Yet we must know that there is something of Christ in this sacrament in a twofold manner: first, as it were, by the power of the sacrament; secondly, from natural concomitance. Again, this is clearly impossible, whatever one may hold as to the manner of the union of the intellect to this or that man. The Summa Theologica (or the Summa Theologiae or simply the Summa, written 1265-1274) is the most famous work of Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225-1274) although it was never finished. Now it is evident that the whole nature of a substance is under every part of the dimensions under which it is contained; just as the entire nature of air is under every part of air, and the entire nature of bread under every part of bread; and this indifferently, whether the dimensions be actually divided (as when the air is divided or the bread cut), or whether they be actually undivided, but potentially divisible. For it was said (Article 3) that Christ's entire body is contained under every part of the consecrated host. Hence since it is seen in its proper species, and is adored in heaven, it is not seen under its proper species in this sacrament. Therefore it is not properly united to a corruptible body. Summa Theologica Theme. v, 1); for a thing is said to move or act, either by virtue of its whole self, for instance, as a physician heals; or by virtue of a part, as a man sees by his eye; or through an accidental quality, as when we say that something that is white builds, because it is accidental to the builder to be white. Further, what is spiritual is connected with what is corporeal by virtual contact. The embryo has first of all a soul which is merely sensitive, and when this is removed, it is supplanted by a more perfect soul, which is both sensitive and intellectual: as will be shown further on (I:118:2 ad 2). Consequently the body of Christ fills that place. Therefore the soul is united to the human body by means of a body. But the place, where this sacrament is, is much less than the body of Christ. But, according to the commandment (Exodus 12:10), concerning the Paschal Lamb, a figure of this sacrament, "there remained nothing until the morning." For the substantial being of each thing consists in something indivisible, and every addition and subtraction varies the species, as in numbers, as stated in Metaph. And in this way, since Christ has unfailing and incorruptible being, He ceases to be under this sacrament, not because He ceases to be, nor yet by local movement of His own, as is clear from what has been said, but only by the fact that the sacramental species cease to exist. Further, what is once "in being" cannot be again "in becoming." Objection 1. In the first place, an animal would not be absolutely one, in which there were several souls. Objection 1. Now matter subject to dimension is not to be found except in a body. But it exists in matter so far as the soul itself, to which this power belongs, is the form of the body, and the term of human generation. This answer does not seem sufficient; because before sin the human body was immortal not by nature, but by a gift of Divine grace; otherwise its immortality would not be forfeited through sin, as neither was the immortality of the devil. And so the difference of corruptible and incorruptible which is on the part of the forms does not involve a generic difference between man and the other animals. If, however, the intellectual soul be united to the body as its substantial form, as we have said above (Article 1), it is impossible for another substantial form besides the intellectual soul to be found in man. POWER: The power of God (25), the principle of the divine operation as proceeding to the exterior effect. 2 - The Existence of God (Three Articles) Question. Individuality of the intelligent being, or of the species whereby it understands, does not exclude the understanding of universals; otherwise, since separate intellects are subsistent substances, and consequently individual, they could not understand universals. On the contrary, Accident is posterior to substance, both in the order of time and in the order of reason, as the Philosopher says, Metaph. And among men, those who have the best sense of touch have the best intelligence. Therefore in the human body there are other substantial forms besides the intellectual soul. This is heretical; for it would do away with the distinction of rewards and punishments. Yet the first act is said to be in potentiality to the second act, which is operation; for such a potentiality "does not reject"that is, does not excludethe soul. Reply to Objection 1. Wherefore, after the consecration, the whole substance of Christ's body and blood is contained in this sacrament, just as the whole substance of the bread and wine was contained there before the consecration. But the glorified eye cannot be hindered by anything from seeing bodies as they are. Objection 4. 2 (Whether angels . Further, when the cause is removed, the effect is also removed. For since the Godhead never set aside the assumed body, wherever the body of Christ is, there, of necessity, must the Godhead be; and therefore it is necessary for the Godhead to be in this sacrament concomitantly with His body. Reply to Objection 6. Therefore neither is the substance of the intellect the form of a body. But the organ of touch requires to be a medium between contraries, such as hot and cold, wet and dry, and the like, of which the sense of touch has the perception; thus it is in potentiality with regard to contraries, and is able to perceive them. Therefore it is impossible for there to be in man another substantial form besides the intellectual soul. Hence we read in the profession of faith at Ephesus (P. I., chap. But this is contrary to the nature of the intellect; for then the intellect would seem not to be distinct from the imagination. Since, however, the soul has not quantitative totality, neither essentially, nor accidentally, as we have seen; it is enough to say that the whole soul is in each part of the body, by totality of perfection and of essence, but not by totality of power. And (De Anima ii, 3) he compares the various souls to the species of figures, one of which contains another; as a pentagon contains and exceeds a tetragon. If, however, it be said that God could avoid this, we answer that in the formation of natural things we do not consider what God might do; but what is suitable to the nature of things, as Augustine says (Gen. ad lit. Font. vii (Did. Reply to Objection 3. For although sensibility does not give incorruptibility, yet it cannot deprive intellectuality of its incorruptibility. I answer that, It is absolutely necessary to confess according to Catholic faith that the entire Christ is in this sacrament. Thus one part would not depend on another; nor would one part be nobler than another; which is clearly untrue. Objection 3. Animae xxxii) says: "If I were to say that there are many human souls, I should laugh at myself." Now the accidents of Christ's body are in this sacrament by means of the substance; so that the accidents of Christ's body have no immediate relationship either to this sacrament or to adjacent bodies; consequently they do not act on the medium so as to be seen by any corporeal eye. Theol.Imprimatur. viii (Did. But Christ's body has already begun to be in this sacrament by the consecration of the bread. Edus. ii, 3) that the relation of universal causes to universals is like the relation of particular causes to individuals. On the contrary, Ambrose says (De Officiis): "Christ is in this sacrament.". How it is caused will be shown later on (I:117:1). But the intellectual soul is one form. But that which appears under the likeness of flesh in this sacrament, continues for a long time; indeed, one reads of its being sometimes enclosed, and, by order of many bishops, preserved in a pyx, which it would be wicked to think of Christ under His proper semblance. Now it is evident that He is not there under the sacramental species, which is that of bread or wine. Westmonasterii.APPROBATIO ORDINISNihil Obstat. Westmonasterii.APPROBATIO ORDINISNihil Obstat. ii) that "when our pretense is referred to some significance, it is not a lie, but a figure of the truth." 75 - Of Man Who is Composed of a Spiritual and a Corporeal Substance: And in the First Place, Concerning What Belongs to the Essence of the Soul (Seven Articles) . Objection 2. Consequently, it remains to be said, that, while the dimensions remain the same as before, there is a miraculous change wrought in the other accidents, such as shape, color, and the rest, so that flesh, or blood, or a child, is seen. On the contrary, The Philosopher says (De Anima ii, 1): "We need not ask if the soul and body are one, as neither do we ask if wax and its shape are one." It seems, therefore, to follow that there is one intellect in all men. Is the intellectual principle united to the body as its form? Reply to Objection 2. ", I answer that, Plato held that there were several souls in one body, distinct even as to organs, to which souls he referred the different vital actions, saying that the nutritive power is in the liver, the concupiscible in the heart, and the power of knowledge in the brain. But each part of the human body is not an organic body. Reply to Objection 1. animal. In the body, the form of which is an intellectual principle, is there some other soul? Therefore we answer otherwise by observing that in matter two conditions are to be found; one which is chosen in order that the matter be suitable to the form; the other which follows by force of the first disposition. Therefore in man the essence of the intellectual soul, the sensitive soul, and the nutritive soul, cannot be the same. v, 1), since it is a being only potentially; indeed everything that is moved is a body. If we suppose, however, that the soul is united to the body as its form, it is quite impossible for several essentially different souls to be in one body. But it is the act of an organic body. We must not consider the diversity of natural things as proceeding from the various logical notions or intentions, which flow from our manner of understanding, because reason can apprehend one and the same thing in various ways. Objection 6. One knowledge exists in the disciple and another in the master. There is, further, a third kind of whole which is potential, divided into virtual parts. Therefore we must suppose dimensions in matter before the substantial forms, which are many belonging to one species. Reply to Objection 1. But that it is not outside the superficies of the sacrament, nor on any other part of the altar, is due not to its being there definitively or circumscriptively, but to its being there by consecration and conversion of the bread and wine, as stated above (Article 1; 15, 2, sqq.). Avicenna held that the substantial forms of the elements remain entire in the mixed body; and that the mixture is made by the contrary qualities of the elements being reduced to an average. Hence it is clear that the body of Christ is in this sacrament "by way of substance," and not by way of quantity. Objection 3. We must therefore conclude that in man the sensitive soul, the intellectual soul, and the nutritive soul are numerically one soul. If, then, Christ's blood be contained under the species of bread, just as the other parts of the body are contained there, the blood ought not to be consecrated apart, just as no other part of the body is consecrated separately. On the contrary, The existence of the dimensive quantity of any body cannot be separated from the existence of its substance. Of these certain Platonists said that the intellectual soul has an incorruptible body naturally united to it, from which it is never separated, and by means of which it is united to the corruptible body of man. Union of Soul and Body in Man 1. Now all this is fictious and ridiculous: for light is not a body; and the fifth essence does not enter materially into the composition of a mixed body (since it is unchangeable), but only virtually: and lastly, because the soul is immediately united to the body as the form to matter. But to be in a place is an accident when compared with the extrinsic container. If, however, Socrates be a whole composed of a union of the intellect with whatever else belongs to Socrates, and still the intellect be united to those other things only as a motor, it follows that Socrates is not one absolutely, and consequently neither a being absolutely, for a thing is a being according as it is one. From which it is evident that the dimensions of the bread or wine are not changed into the dimensions of the body of Christ, but substance into substance. For the proper qualities of the elements remain, though modified; and in them is the power of the elementary forms. Objection 3. Now the intellectual soul, as we have seen above (I:55:2) in the order of nature, holds the lowest place among intellectual substances; inasmuch as it is not naturally gifted with the knowledge of truth, as the angels are; but has to gather knowledge from individual things by way of the senses, as Dionysius says (Div. 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