dubplatemusicpublishers.com March 12th, 2025

Dubplate Music Publishers

Jamaica’s largest music publishing company featuring top industry writers and artists. Browse our extensive catalogue and listen to sound clips of songs available for your projects; check out our ‘Featured Writers’ page to keep an ear to the ground for the hottest writers and artists in Jamaican music; use our ‘Licensing Information’ page to be directed to one of our sub-publishers for assistance in obtaining the necessary copyright and licensing information for any song in the catalogue.
Angel Shalome
We are pleased to announce that Angel Shalome has been signed to DubPlate Music Publishers and has a multiple album deal with Anchor Recording Company, Dubplate’s parent company. Her first album is scheduled for release in July 2009
For more information about Angel Shalome visit her website at: www.myspace.com/angelshalome